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How Much Does Full Mouth Dental Implants Pricing Rate?

A full mouth reconstruction completely rebuilds and restores the entire mouth through a combination of dental procedures like gum surgery, dental implants, crowns, and teeth whitening. It becomes necessary when multiple teeth are damaged, missing, misaligned, or diseased. This comprehensive treatment comes at a cost depending on your specific dental needs. The table below outlines the average total full mouth reconstruction cost and cost ranges for common procedures:

Procedure Average Cost
Full mouth reconstruction $30,000 - $150,000
Dental implants $3,000 - $4,500 per tooth
Porcelain crowns $1,000 - $3,500 per tooth

Components of Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth reconstruction involves multiple types of dental procedures to completely rebuild the smile. The main components fall into two categories:

A. Necessary Dental Work

These include dental treatments needed to resolve structural and disease-related issues.

1. Gum surgery & bone grafts

If disease or infection is present, periodontal surgery is required to treat and replace damaged tissue. Common procedures are:

  • Bone grafting to stimulate regrowth
  • Tissue grafts to combat recession
  • Guided tissue regeneration to revitalize gums

These surgeries cost $500 - $10,000 depending on specifics of the case.

2. Dental implants

Implants replace missing teeth, fusing artificial metal posts to the jawbone to mount replacement teeth. They cost approximately $3,000 - $4,500 per tooth for the implant, abutment, and crown.

3. Crowns, bridges & implant-supported dentures

Porcelain crowns cap damaged teeth, while bridges link crowns to fill gaps. Overdentures attach to implants for stability. Costs range from:

  • Crowns: $1,000 - $3,500 per tooth
  • Bridges: $700 - $1,500 per tooth

4. Teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening brightens stained teeth, costing $200 - $600 per treatment, improving the look of natural and prosthetic teeth.

5. Orthodontics like Invisalign

Clear aligners straighten crooked teeth for $3,000 - $5,000. This facilitates implants and oral hygiene.

B. Optional Cosmetic Enhancements

Additional cosmetic procedures may be part of reconstruction to further improve aesthetics.

1. Veneers & bonding

Thin veneers placed over front teeth cost approximately $900 - $2,500 per tooth. Direct composite bonding serves a similar purpose at $300 - $600 per tooth.

2. Jaw & TMJ treatment

TMJ therapy remedies alignment issues between upper and lower jaws. Fees vary by treatment plan.

3. Other cosmetic procedures

This includes contouring, reshaping, lip fillers, etc. Prices depend on the specific treatment.

Type Components Average Cost
Necessary Dental Work Gum surgery, implants, prosthodontics, whitening, orthodontics $60,000+
Cosmetic Enhancements Veneers, TMJ therapy, other cosmetic treatments $5,000+

Cost Breakdown for Full Mouth Reconstruction

The costs of full mouth reconstruction vary widely depending on the specifics of each case. However, some general guidelines apply when budgeting for these extensive treatments.

A. Cost Overview

Understanding the general investment range helps set realistic expectations.

1. Average total cost

Most patients spend between $30,000 - $150,000 for full mouth reconstructions. Simple cases may range from $30,000 to $80,000, while extensive treatments with implants and cosmetic elements trend from $80,000 to $150,000.

2. Cost ranges per procedure type

The table below outlines average costs for common dental treatments:

Procedure Average Cost
Full mouth reconstruction $30,000 – $150,000
Dental implants $3,000 – $4,500 per tooth
Porcelain crowns $1,000 – $3,500 per tooth
Porcelain bridges $700 – $1,500 per tooth
Invisalign $3,000 – $5,000 per course

B. Factors Affecting Costs

Several variables impact overall investment.

1. Choice of materials

Premium materials like zirconia bridges and gold crowns increase costs over standard options. Discuss options with your dentist.

2. Complexity of case

Complex cases with extensive tooth loss, bone grafting needs, or major realignment needs cost more to treat.

3. Number of procedures needed

The more issues needing correction, the greater the number of crowns, veneers, implants, etc, increasing overall fees.

4. Dentist experience and fees

Highly skilled dentists charge more for their expertise. However, the results may have greater longevity.

C. Ideal Cost Investment

Despite the high price tag, studies show benefits like renewed ability to chew and improved self-esteem are cost-effective long-term when compared to untreated oral health issues.

Investing in a lasting reconstruction with a highly qualified oral health team can enhance wellbeing and quality of life for years to come for many patients.

Determining Your Needs for Full Mouth Reconstruction

When considering full mouth reconstruction, also called full mouth restoration or rehabilitation, the first step is thoroughly evaluating your oral health and goals to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

This section covers:

  • Needs assessment components
  • Developing your custom treatment blueprint
  • Realistic goal setting

Components of a Full Mouth Reconstruction Needs Assessment

Your dentist will likely perform a detailed oral examination, dental imaging scans, and in-depth consultation to analyze:

  • Overall tooth and gum health
  • Presence of disease, damage, or decay
  • Bite alignment and jaw function
  • Aesthetics like tooth shade, spacing

They gather this data to develop a blueprint of what needs correction or improvement.

Some key aspects examined include:

  • Tooth loss: Missing, broken, or failing teeth requiring replacement
  • Bone health: Jaw bone level and density to support restorations
  • Gum disease: Signs of periodontitis requiring tissue regeneration
  • Alignment: Issues with overbite, underbite, crowding needing orthodontic correction

Specialist Input

Your dentist may refer you to specialists like a periodontist, prosthodontist, or oral surgeon if certain complex procedures are indicated. Their input will factor into blueprinting your treatment.

Custom Treatment Planning

Once all diagnostic information is compiled, your dentist will:

  • Review findings with you in detail
  • Explain treatment options available
  • Map out a phased plan based on your budget, schedule, and priorities
  • Provide cost estimates for procedures

The plan aims to address all medical and cosmetic needs and goals communicated by you and identified during the oral examination.

Treatment planning is a collaborative and transparent process so you feel comfortable moving forward.

Setting Realistic Expectations

While drastic, life-changing improvements are possible, it's critical to:

  • Set realistic goals for what full mouth reconstruction can achieve
  • Understand limitations based on your unique anatomy and oral disease history
  • Commit to maintaining results through good oral hygiene and follow-up care

Setting realistic expectations upfront prevents disappointment and motivates self-care. You play an active role in determining your treatment success.

Procedures Involved in Full Mouth Reconstruction

Once the custom treatment plan is finalized, the next phase is performing the needed dental procedures. The techniques used will depend entirely on your case specifics.

Common procedures include:

  • Tooth extractions
  • Implants
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Veneers
  • Gum surgery
  • Orthodontics
  • Whitening

Let's overview key reconstruction procedures:

Tooth Extractions and Bone Grafting

Depending on decay and periodontal disease damage, severely compromised teeth may require extraction:

  • Simple extractions involve basic removal
  • Surgical extractions are more complex for impacted or fractured teeth

If you require multiple extractions, bone grafting can help stimulate bone regrowth to allow placement of dental implants or bridgework later. Common materials used are:

  • Autografts using your own bone
  • Allografts using donated bone
  • Xenografts using animal bone

These procedures prepare your mouth for rehabilitation.

Dental Implants

Implants replace missing teeth by fusing metal posts to your jaw that mount artificial teeth. The components include:

  • The titanium implant fused to the bone
  • An abutment attached to support the new tooth
  • A realistic-looking crown

Most patients require 3-6 months for full healing and integration of implants into the bone before artificial teeth are placed.

Bridges and Crowns

Crowns strengthen weakened teeth, while bridges fill one or more missing teeth utilizing the neighboring natural teeth as anchors.

Crowns and bridges can be made from materials like:

  • Porcelain fused to metal
  • Pure porcelain
  • Zirconia
  • Gold and other alloys

Matching shade and contour to your natural teeth achieves a seamless, aesthetic result.

Other Restorative and Cosmetic Treatments

If indicated, your treatment plan may also incorporate:

  • Orthodontics like Invisalign to straighten teeth
  • Gum contouring to restructure shape
  • Teeth whitening solutions
  • TMJ therapy
  • Other smile enhancement procedures

The combination of techniques fully transforms your smile.

With the extensive capabilities of modern dental medicine, comprehensive full mouth reconstruction can help patients achieve a complete oral health restoration and renewed quality of life.

What to Expect During Full Mouth Reconstruction

Undergoing extensive dental treatment to completely rebuild your smile is a significant undertaking. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can help ease any anxiety.

This section covers:

  • Timeline expectations
  • Appointment progression
  • Recovery periods

Understanding the full sequence of events provides confidence and transparency into the reconstruction process.

Estimated Timeline

The total treatment timeline varies considerably based on your custom plan, with phasing of procedures based on your priorities and budget. However, the overall time investments is substantial, often:

  • 12 months: Simple cases with limited treatment needs
  • 18+ months: More complex cases requiring extensive multi-disciplinary care

Dentists may sequence appointments over a number of years for larger financial outlays. Be prepared to invest the necessary time.

Appointment Progression

Over multiple visits, your dentist will methodically address each identified treatment need:

Consultation and Planning

  • Medical history review
  • Photography, scanning, and imaging
  • Discussion of needs and goals
  • Develop custom treatment plan

Gum and Jaw Surgeries (If Necessary)

  • Gum grafting, flap surgery, or bone grafting
  • Crown lengthening or soft tissue recontouring

Tooth Extractions and Temporary Teeth

  • Pull compromised teeth
  • Place temporary partials or full denture during transition

Implants and Abutments

  • Insert implants to fuse with the jawbone
  • Attach abutments atop implants

**Placement of Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers **

  • Position permanent customized restorations like implant crowns or bridges

Orthodontic Alignment

  • Use removable aligners to straighten final bite

Cosmetic Enhancements

  • Perform ancillary procedures like whitening or bonding

Recovery Periods

Most extensive surgery involves 1-2 week recovery periods before continuing treatment. Once all phases finalize, expect 3-6 months for full adaptation to your renewed bite and smile.

Prioritize self-care throughout every milestone during your transformation sequence. Full collaboration with your dental team ensures successful full mouth reconstruction.

Caring for Your Reconstructed Smile Long-Term

After investing significant time and resources into full mouth reconstruction, practicing ongoing care and maintenance is imperative for longevity of treatment outcomes. Don’t undo all the hard work!

This section outlines:

  • Post-procedure checklist
  • Excellent daily care
  • Follow-up appointments

Protecting your renewed smile should become a regular part of your lifestyle.

Post-Procedure Checklist

In the weeks following finalization of reconstructive work, be diligent about:

  • Taking prescribed medication - Follow protocols for pain, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic medications
  • Keeping follow-up visits - Attend scheduled appointments for adjustments and tracking healing
  • Avoiding certain foods - Steer clear of hard, chewy, sticky foods during recovery periods
  • Reporting any concerns - Alert your dentist about pain, swelling or other irregularities

Closely adhering to guidance following treatment protects reconstruction investments.

Maintaining Excellent Daily Care

Meticulous home care must become routine with reconstructed smiles, involving:

  • Brushing - Gently brush using proper technique 2x daily
  • Flossing - Floss at least 1x daily, taking care around restorations
  • Rinsing - Use prescribed antiseptic rinses to prevent infection
  • Cleaning - Get professional dental cleanings 3-4x yearly

A regimented prevention regimen prevents issues down the road.

Attending Follow-Up Appointments

Even after full healing, continue regularly scheduled appointments for:

  • Hygiene visits - Professional cleaning and polishing
  • Restoration checks - Ensure implants, bridges, crowns remain correctly integrated
  • Ongoing evaluations - Monitor health of gums, bone levels long-term

Committing to maintenance visits helps sustain reconstructive work. Be diligently proactive with the health of your new smile. Don’t get complacent!

With dedication to daily home care and professional maintenance every 6 months, your renewed smile can function like natural teeth for decades. Protect your investment!

Answering Common Full Mouth Reconstruction Questions

Undertaking major dental rehabilitative work brings up many natural questions and concerns. Reviewing some frequent patient FAQs can help provide useful perspectives.

Some common questions include:

Is Full Mouth Reconstruction Painful?

This depends on the specific procedures performed and your personal pain tolerance. However, modern dentistry offers many comfortable options:

  • Local anesthesia for non-invasive treatments
  • Sedation dentistry - from oral medication to IV options
  • General anesthesia for extensive operations, if qualified
  • Prescription strength pain relievers

Let your dental team know your questions and concerns.

How Long Does Full Mouth Reconstruction Take to Complete?

The total treatment timeline varies considerably based on your custom plan. However, expect substantial time investments:

  • 12 months for more straightforward cases
  • 18+ months for complex situations with phased treatment

Timelines split longer processes into multiple stages based on financial and scheduling needs.

What's the Total Cost for Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Costs differ drastically based on individual needs:

  • Simple cases: $30,000 - $80,000
  • Complex cases: $80,000 - $150,000+

Component factors like implants, grafting, restorations, and cosmetic enhancements increase costs.

Does Insurance Cover These Procedures?

Coverage varies greatly by specific plan. While elective cosmeticenhancements are often disqualified, many functional rehabilitation components fall under major restorative benefits. Carefully review your policy limitations and exclusions. Consult with both your dentist and insurance provider to maximize coverage based on medical necessity documented in your treatment records for items like extractions, bone grafts, implants, crowns, and bridges as clinically indicated.

Still have questions? Reach out! Patient education ensures confident decision making.

Why Consider Taking on Such Extensive Treatment?

The decision to pursue full mouth reconstruction, especially when intensive work is involved, remains extremely personal. But the potentially life-changing benefits - fully restored ability to eat, speak clearly, smile brightly boosting self-confidence, eliminating pain and infection risk - make this major investment in oral health and quality of life worthwhile for many patients.

Discuss all advantages with your dentist when exploring your options.

Choosing the Right Reconstruction Dentist

Selecting the right dentist is extremely important for full mouth reconstruction candidates considering the extensive time, costs, and complexity involved. Do ample research to find an expert clinician.

Crucial factors include:

Advanced Skills and Experience

Look for practitioners with specialized training and years of firsthand reconstruction experience, not just general dentistry background. Ask:

  • How many similar cases have you completed?
  • Are you guided by any particular reconstruction philosophies or approaches?
  • Which specialist networks do you leverage?

Choose doctors intimately familiar working with implants, prosthodontics, orthodontics, periodontics, sedation, etc. that comprise reconstruction.

Patient Case Studies and Examples

Evaluate before and after imagery to analyze aesthetic quality and function of restorations. As you review photos:

  • Do "after" smiles align with your desired vision?
  • Do implant teeth mimic natural ones?
  • Do gum lines, contours, and symmetry look balanced?

Photos should showcase beautiful, realistic outcomes.

Using Cutting-Edge Technologies

Look for clinicians integrating advanced tools like:

  • Digital impression scanning
  • 3D CBCT imaging
  • CAD/CAM design software
  • Guided implant placement
  • High-tech materials

Leveraging the latest advancements usually signals broader quality and innovation.

Strong Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Patient commentary provides transparent insight into real experiences. Seek dentists with rave reviews like:

  • Excellent bedside manner during lengthy treatments
  • Clear communication and patient education
  • Customized treatment planning
  • Reasonably priced for overall value

Positive patient stories demonstrate satisfactory experiences worth pursuing for your own care.

Taking time to carefully evaluate dentists allows identifying one fully qualified to transform your smile through the gift of full mouth reconstruction.

About Our Dental Practice: Hallandale's Top-Rated Full Mouth Reconstruction Dentist

Svetlana Dental and Esthetic Center in Miami specializes in affordable effective cosmetic dentistry and smile makeovers. They use the latest techniques and technology to transform smiles. We are the best cosmetic dentistry in Hallandale that will give you the smile you deserve.

Services included:

  • Cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants and crowns to improve appearance.
  • Full mouth reconstruction to completely rehabilitate and reshape teeth entire mouth
  • Treatment planning and smile makeovers to align and reshape teeth for an enhanced smile
  • General and specialist dental care using cutting-edge equipment

Dr. Anokhina Svetlana, helps patients achieve natural looking, healthy smiles affordably in Miami. For exceptional dental service, and five-star patient experiences in Miami Hallandale, FL, choose our dental office. Call today to schedule your consultation!

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