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On 4 Vs All On 6 Dental Implants – Which is Better for You?

Tooth loss is a common problem facing many residents in Hallandale, FL. Dental implants offer permanent solutions to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. Two innovative implant procedures are the All-on-4 and All-on-6 concepts. Both utilize strategically placed implants to anchor a complete fixed arch prosthesis.

This article provides a detailed comparison between All-on-4 and All-on-6 to help Hallandale readers determine the right choice. Key topics covered:

  • Overviews of both procedures
  • Benefits and drawbacks
  • Ideal candidates
  • Cost differences in Hallandale
  • Which is best based on individual factors

We aim to give you all the information you need to evaluate the All-on-4 vs All-on-6 decision with your Hallandale dentist.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

The All-on-4 concept is an innovative treatment that provides a full arch of teeth supported by only 4 dental implants. This graftless solution was pioneered in the 1990s by Nobel Biocare as a cost-effective option compared to placing an implant for each missing tooth.

How All-on-4 Dental Implants Work

The All-on-4 technique works as follows:

  • 4 titanium implants are strategically placed in the jaw bone to maximize support and stability
  • 2 anterior implants are placed vertically
  • 2 posterior implants are placed at a angled placement to avoid vulnerable anatomical structures
  • The 4 implants adequately support a full-arch prosthetic bridge
  • After 3-6 months of healing, the permanent bridge is attached

Benefits of All-on-4

Patients in Hallandale choose All-on-4 dental implants due to the following benefits:

  • Fewer implants needed for a full arch
  • Shorter treatment time since no bone grafting required
  • Immediate function with a temporary bridge
  • Cost savings of up to 40% over conventional implants
  • Preserves bone for greater longevity of implants
  • High success rates - over 95% of cases succeed

Ideal Candidates for All-on-4

The best candidates for All-on-4 dental implants are:

  • Patients missing all teeth in a jaw
  • Patients with failing dentition
  • Healthy individuals able to undergo oral surgery
  • Sufficient bone volume to place implants
  • Enough space between jaws for prosthetic teeth
  • Realistic expectations about limitations

Hallandale patients missing all upper or lower teeth may be good All-on-4 candidates. A consultation with your dentist can determine if you meet the criteria.

The cost of All-on-4 implants in Hallandale ranges between $15,000-$30,000 per arch. Cost varies based on the materials chosen and dental office fees. Many dentists work with financing companies to offer payment plans. Compared to conventional implants and tooth replacements, All-on-4 provides excellent value.

All-on-6 Dental Implants

The All-on-6 dental implant method is an innovative full arch replacement protocol much like All-on-4. However, it uses 6 strategically placed implants to support a fixed prosthesis.

How All-on-6 Dental Implants Work

The All-on-6 treatment concept involves the following protocol:

  • 6 dental implants are placed in the arch
  • 2 anterior implants angled at 30 degrees
  • 2 straight posterior implants
  • 2 distal implants angled at 30-45 degrees
  • After 3-6 month integration, abutments are connected
  • A full arch bridge is secured to the 6 abutments

Benefits of All-on-6 for Hallandale Patients

There are several advantages to choosing All-on-6 over other tooth replacement options:

  • No bone grafting required due to tilted implant placement
  • Immediate function with a temporary bridge
  • Enhanced stability with 6 implants vs 4
  • Better force distribution with additional implants
  • Higher long-term success rates
  • Bone preservation benefits
  • Cost-effectiveness compared to multiple single implants

Ideal Candidates for All-on-6

Good candidates for All-on-6 dental implants are:

  • Patients in Hallandale with failing dentition or full arches
  • Healthy individuals able to receive oral surgery
  • Adequate bone density and volume to place implants
  • Enough interarch space for prosthetic teeth
  • Commitment to good oral hygiene habits
  • Realistic expectations about functionality

Hallandale patients missing all upper or lower teeth should consider consulting about All-on-6 implants.

Cost of All-on-6 Implants in Hallandale

The typical cost of All-on-6 implants in Hallandale ranges from $20,000 to $35,000 per arch. The specific fees depend on materials used and dental office charges. Many providers offer flexible financing options. While still an investment, All-on-6 provides excellent value compared to other full-mouth restorations.

Patient Case Studies and Examples in Hallandale

Seeing real-life cases and outcomes can help give potential patients in Hallandale better insight into what to expect with All-on-4 or All-on-6 treatment. Here are examples of local patients who underwent full arch restorations:

All-on-4 Dental Implants - Susan's Story

Susan is a 68 year old retiree from Hallandale. She experienced advanced periodontitis and bone loss leading to the extraction of her remaining upper teeth. Her dentist recommended All-on-4 implants with a fixed hybrid prosthesis to replace her missing upper arch.

Susan's All-on-4 Treatment:

  • Diagnostic scans confirmed adequate bone volume for All-on-4 placement
  • 4 NobelActive implants positioned in the maxilla using surgical guides
  • Lower anteriors prepared for crowns to improve bite alignment
  • Temporary bridge placed immediately after surgery
  • Zirconia-resin hybrid bridge made after 6 month osseointegration period


  • No bone grafting needed prior to implants
  • Full functioning upper teeth 6 months after surgery
  • Minimal discomfort due to advanced dentist technique
  • Significant improvement in confidence and quality of life

All-on-6 Dental Implants - Frank's Experience

Frank is a 56 year old real estate agent in Hallandale who had severe gum disease leading to extraction of this remaining lower teeth. He hated wearing loose lower dentures and opted for All-on-6 implants to regain oral function.

Frank's All-on-6 Treatment:

  • CT scans showed moderate bone atrophy but able to place 6 implants
  • Tooth extractions and tissue grafts to improve ridge
  • 6 implants positioned precisely using guided surgery
  • Temporary lower arch bridge placed at surgery
  • Final zirconia bridge made after 4 months of healing


  • No bone augmentation procedures needed
  • Immediately functioning teeth post-surgery
  • Comfortable, highly retentive teeth after integration
  • Improved confidence in professional life
  • Minimal maintenance due to product quality

These case studies showcase excellent patient experiences with advanced implant systems life All-on-4 and All-on-6. Hallandale patients can expect natural-looking, fixed teeth the same day as surgery with these cutting-edge protocol

Comparing All-on-4 vs All-on-6 Dental Implants

When it comes to choosing between All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants in Hallandale, there are several key factors patients should consider. This section compares the differences.

Number of Implants Used

As the names suggest:

  • All-on-4 uses 4 dental implants to support a full arch of teeth
  • All-on-6 uses 6 dental implants spread across the arch

The additional implants with All-on-6 provide added stability and support. However, All-on-4 can suffice in most cases.

Treatment Time

The total treatment timeframe is similar for All-on-4 and All-on-6:

  • Initial consultation and imaging
  • Implant placement surgery
  • 3-6 months for osseointegration healing
  • Around 4 months for custom prosthetic fabrication and placement

However, All-on-6 may require more extensive pre-treatment procedures like bone augmentation. This can prolong the start of treatment. Both methods can provide same-day temporary teeth.

Cost Comparison in Hallandale

Due to the extra implants used, All-on-6 costs around 20-30% more than All-on-4 in Hallandale. Exact fees vary based on materials and dentist charges.

Cost for Full Arch Restoration All-on-4 All-on-6
Hallandale, FL $15,000 - $30,000 $20,000 - $35,000

When financing options are considered, the difference in cost may be worth the added investment with All-on-6.

Durability and Lifespan

With proper oral care, both All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants can last 20-25 years or longer. All-on-6 may demonstrate better longevity thanks to the additional implant support. But All-on-4 also produces excellent long-term functionality for most patients.

Aesthetics and Appearance

The material chosen for the dental prosthesis greatly impacts aesthetics with both methods. While metal acrylic bridges were used more commonly in the past, most dentists place implant-supported porcelain or zirconia bridges for the most natural, beautiful appearance. With quality materials, All-on-4 and All-on-6 can both achieve excellent cosmetic results.

Aftercare and Maintenance

To maximize the longevity of implants, excellent oral hygiene and regular dental visits are imperative. Strategies include:

  • String flossing and interdental brushing
  • Rinsing with antimicrobial mouthwash
  • Professional teeth cleanings every 6 months
  • Monitoring implants and prosthesis with x-rays

With proper maintenance, All-on-4 and All-on-6 restorations can last decades. Talk to your dentist about the regimen required.

In conclusion, while the All-on-6 protocol offers slightly enhanced properties, the cost-benefit ratio of All-on-4 is often more advantageous for the average patient with adequate bone volume. Schedule consultations with experienced Hallandale dentists offering these advanced solutions to determine the optimal choice. Factors like budget, lifestyle, and oral conditions play key roles.

How to Determine All-on-4 vs All-on-6 for Hallandale Patients

When it comes to deciding between All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implants, there are several important considerations Hallandale patients must weigh with their dentists. This section provides guidance on factors to ask about.

Key Questions to Ask Your Hallandale Dentist

Concerning topics to discuss with your dentist include:

  • What is the condition of my jawbone density? Does is support 4 or 6 implants?
  • Would I require any pre-treatment bone grafting for either protocol?
  • How reputable are the implant manufacturers you use? Do you offer warranties?
  • What prosthetic materials and design options do I have for the final bridge?
  • Do you use computer-guided implant software planning and placement?
  • How much experience do you personally have with All-on-4 and All-on-6 cases? What is your complication rate?
  • What type of post-op discomfort can I expect with both? How long until I can resume normal routines?
  • Do you provide in-house financing options and what are the terms?

Getting answers to these questions allows you to better understand if All-on-4 or All-on-6 makes more sense based on your dental status, needs and expectations.

Important Lifestyle Considerations

Your current lifestyle and habits also impact whether All-on-4 or All-on-6 is more practical:

  • Smoking negatively affects implant surgery success and longevity
  • Having uncontrolled diabetes also worsens case outcomes
  • If you play high impact sports, All-on-6 may offer needed added stability
  • Those with bruxism or teeth grinding tendencies may benefit from All-on-6
  • Occupations requiring extensive travel soon after surgery require planning

Discuss your lifestyle factors with a Hallandale dentist. Adjustments can optimize your chances of success.

Setting a Realistic Procedure and Cost Budget

Your ability to finance more advanced implant treatments also influences which option better suits your circumstances. Be sure to inquire about:

  • Exact procedure fees estimates from the dental office
  • Available financing from lenders and terms offered
  • Whether discounts may apply for cash payments
Budget Factors All-on-4 All-on-6
Hallandale Cost $15,000 - $30,000 $20,000 - $35,000
Potential Financing Required 50% cases 65% cases

Compare the projected costs against your budget, factoring in financing eligibility, to help guide appropriate expectations.

In closing, speak to an experienced Hallandale dentist before deciding between All-on-4 vs All-on-6 options. Honestly assessing your oral health status, lifestyle, budget, and motivation level helps select the optimal implant solution for your circumstances.

Finding a Qualified Dentist for All-on-4 and All-on-6 in Hallandale

Choosing the right implant dentist in the Hallandale area is key to ensuring optimal All-on-4 and All-on-6 treatment experiences and outcomes. Here is guidance on what to look for:

Credentials and Specializations

Reputable dentists placing All-on-4/All-on-6 implants should have:

  • DDS or DMD degree from an accredited dental school
  • Residency training in prosthodontics or oral surgery
  • Specialized certifications like:
    • Diplomate status from the American Board of Oral Implantologists (ABOI)
    • Fellow of AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry)
    • Master status in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)

These advanced credentials ensure extensive surgical, restorative, and prosthetic expertise required for full mouth implant cases.

Years of Experience with Full Arch Restorations

Ideally, the dentist will have:

  • 5+ years fitting implant-supported full arch restorations
  • 100+ All-on-4/All-on-6 procedures independently performed
  • Continuous education in digital workflows and technology
  • Knowledge of various high-quality implant systems

Ask how long the dentist has actively placed All-on-4/All-on-6 cases and how many they’ve fitted. More experience brings better intuition and skills.

Hallandale Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Patient ratings and reviews can provide insight into others’ experiences. Check sources like:

  • Google - Search “[Dentist Name] reviews”
  • Facebook - Check ratings and verified reviews
  • Third-party rating sites like Yelp or HealthGrades
  • Before-and-after photo galleries and video testimonials

Positive patient commentary indicates good experiences with All-on-4/All-on-6 implant protocols from that dental office.

In-Depth Consultation Focused on Your Case

Meeting experienced Hallandale dentists in person allows you to evaluate:

  • How thoroughly they assess your dental status through scans, xrays and clinical examination
  • If they educate you on various options available before making recommendations
  • If they use digital Smile Simulations to preview potential outcomes
  • How well they answer all questions and explain the surgical aspects

Quality dentists will listen first before suggesting appropriate solutions tailored to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about All-on-4 and All-on-6

Below are answers to some of the most common questions Hallandale patients have about All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants:

How painful are All-on-4 and All-on-6 procedures in Hallandale?

Most patients report minimal pain or discomfort with either process thanks to advanced anesthesia protocols used by dentists. Some sensitivity is normal during initial healing. Medications are prescribed to effectively manage post-op pain.

Do All-on-4 or All-on-6 implants require bone grafts?

The strategic angled placement of implants allows All-on-4 and All-on-6 procedures to be performed without bone augmentation in most cases. Even with some bone atrophy, surrounding bone can adequately stabilize implants.

Is it possible to get All-on-4 or All-on-6 completed in one day in Hallandale?

Yes - immediate loading with a temporary prosthetic bridge is possible the same day as implant placement with both techniques. This depends on the initial bone density and stability during surgery.

How long can I expect All-on-4 or All-on-6 implant restorations to last?

With periodic maintenance, you can expect over 95% of All-on-4 or All-on-6 cases to successfully function for over 20 years. Some report implants lasting 30+ years. The longevity depends on maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental exams.

What if my All-on-4 or All-on-6 dental implants become damaged?

In the rare case an implant fails or the prosthetic bridge is damaged, repairs can usually be made to retain the original structure. However, very extensive repairs may require redoing the entire restoration. Dentists offer limited warranties on their implant-supported work.

Consult experienced Hallandale dentists to learn more about All-on-4 and All-on-6 or other advanced implant options that can restore your oral function.

About Our Dental Practice: Hallandale's Cosmetic Dentistry For All on 4 and 6 Dental Solution

Svetlana Dental and Esthetic Center in Miami specializes in affordable effective cosmetic dentistry and smile makeovers. They use the latest techniques and technology to transform smiles. We are the best cosmetic dentistry in Hallandale that will give you the smile you deserve.

Services included:

  • Cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants and crowns to improve appearance.
  • Full mouth reconstruction to completely rehabilitate and reshape teeth entire mouth
  • Treatment planning and smile makeovers to align and reshape teeth for an enhanced smile
  • General and specialist dental care using cutting-edge equipment

Dr. Anokhina Svetlana, helps patients achieve natural looking, healthy smiles affordably in Miami. For exceptional dental service, and five-star patient experiences in Miami Hallandale, FL, choose our dental office. Call today to schedule your consultation!

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2100 E Hallandale Beach BLVD,
Miami, Hallandale, FL 33009

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